Fannrem to Ålesund

Crossing the T As morning broke atop the mountain, a strong wind signalled the arrival of an approaching a storm. We decamped and descended the mountain in under 30 minutes and were soon on the outskirts of Fannrem. I planned to use Fannrem’s central roundabout as The T’s top intersection. In other words, this is […]

Gothenburg to Fannrem

Entering Norway It was around 16:30 by the time we finished lunch in Gothenburg and set off again. With a few hours of driving left, I checked the map and thought we could reach one of the lakes on the outskirts of Oslo before sunset.  Full route from Gothenburg to Fannrem  After 2 hours on […]

The Route to Gothenburg

The Departure With a week between completing Stage 1 and my departure to Calais, I passed the time by preparing for the expedition North. I filled the van with an assortment of dried food including soup, beans, 3kgs of pasta, sauces, rice, porridge, coffee and 72 Weetabix. I hoped my supplies would last long enough to […]