Galway to Dublin

Giant’s Causeway ticked off, I set my mind to crossing the (currently) frictionless border into The Republic of Ireland and on to Galway. This leg of the journey included my first EU member state transition! Trusty Google Maps estimated a drive of around 5 hours. The plan was to head towards Londonderry, get on the N17 and cross the border between Coshquin and Bridge End.

An unassuming picture of the Irish border between Bridge End (Ireland) and Coshquin (N. Ireland) 

Driving along, drinking in the sights, I didn’t even notice that i’d crossed into Ireland. Only after a couple of miles did it dawn on me that the road markings had turned from white to yellow and the signage from miles to kms. Naturally, I turned around and found the exact transition spot (above).
Border crossed, I pushed on to Drumkeen and then Donegal. The drive was improved by views of the Barnesmore Gap and it’s surroundings – from the lush green of the valley floor to the bare rocks on the mountain peaks. As I approached Sligo, the spectacular Mount Benbulbin was clearly visible.

Mount Ben Bulben – image courtesy of Jon Sullivan

As Sligo came and went, the final leg towards Galway was underway. With the city’s rush hour traffic building on the outskirts, I decided to find a scenic spot to stop. I pulled over next to a quiet field on the Coast Road, brewed another coffee and relaxed. Cheers.

Views from the Coast Road – Galway 

Suitably caffeinated, with the stage progressing nicely, I chose not to hang around – immediately commencing the journey east towards Dublin (where I would grab some much needed sleep and wait to board my 02:30 Ferry to Holyhead…).

Less stunning views at Dublin Port